Complete Guide To Spider Control And Prevention

spider on the floor

Complete Guide To Spider Control And Prevention

To have a neat and healthy home, you need to perform regular cleaning and keep pests like spiders away from your house. Spiders are common household pests since there are over two thousand species of the insect in Australia, out of which most are harmless to humans. But, they create cobwebs and can bite residents, causing a severe allergic reaction like anaphylaxis. What's more, having them in your home is unpleasant and often scary, which is why you need to prevent them from entering your house.

Hire experienced pest control professionals in Australia to get the pests out of your home, mainly if the infestation is significant. However, follow the tips shared below for general spider control and prevention.

Inspect The Outdoor & Indoor Areas Of The House

Spiders prefer to live in dark and inconspicuous areas of the house near a water source. You can easily find them in gardens, basements, attics, ceilings, storage units, etc. Most of these insects stay in outdoor spots from where they can enter inside homes via windows, doors and other entry points.

Therefore to know the scale of the infestation, inspect the outdoor and indoor areas of the house to spot where the pests are residing.

Keep Outdoor Areas Clean

Since spiders like to hide in places and outdoor areas have plenty of concealed spots, you should keep them clean. Here are some things you can do.

  • Mow the lawn regularly to prevent overgrowth of grass
  • Trim the edges of plants and grass around the edges to avoid them from touching the entryways
  • Install insect screens around the windows. If you have them already, ensure they are in good shape.
  • Remove clutter and trash from outdoor areas to reduce spots where spiders can hide.

Dust and Vacuum Hiding Spots

Spiders prefer to live in areas that remain undisturbed by humans or animals, which is why they often infest areas that you don't clean regularly. These areas are spaces behind heavy furniture, hard to reach fixtures, corners of ceilings, storage units etc. To avoid pests, you should regularly dust and vacuum these spots in addition to sanitising other areas of your home.

Until you see fewer spiders or no spiders in your home, make sure you dust and vacuum every part of your house at least once a week. Doing these activities routinely is a great habit to inculcate, especially after availing pest control services in Australia.

Proof Corners & Entry Points with Insecticide

One of the best ways to prevent spiders from infesting your home is to spray or sprinkle insecticide on your house's corners and entry points. While proofing, make sure the rooms are well ventilated.

If you get experienced pest control professionals in Australia to rid your home of spiders, they do this step to prevent the pests from coming back to their previous spots or infest new ones.

Use Organic Repellents

You can purchase organic spider repellents and insecticides from stores to keep the arachnids from entering your house or infesting outdoor areas. Alternatively, you can spray areas where you have spotted spiders with a solution of peppermint essential oil and water.

Furthermore, keep lemon spheres with cloves near windows, air vents and doors to keep spiders and other insects away, mainly during monsoons and winters.

Set Traps

Set sticky traps for them in every corner and entry-point at night to figure where the spiders hide or search for food in your home. In the morning, check the traps and you will know what household pests are lurking in your space and the preferred spots of the spiders. Treat these areas immediately to kill the existing pests and prevent reinfestation.

Swat Spiders

Invest in a spider swatter to kill the pests as soon as you spot one. Physical swatting is a more effective method of getting rid of the pests than spraying them with insecticides because the chemicals may or may not come in contact with the spiders.

Cut The Food Supply

Arachnids eat flies, mosquitoes, ants, moths and other insects, which is why if your house has spiders, then you have other pests as well. To get the situation under control, seek the assistance of pest control experts in Australia to inspect your house, identify infested areas and treat them accordingly. Additionally, make sure you keep your house and its outdoor areas neat and clean at all times to avoid attracting pests.

Make Your Home Unsuitable for Spiders

Spiders usually infest homes that meet their requirements, such as ample food supply, damp areas, poor household sanitation, etc. Here are things you should do to make your home unsuitable for pests.

  • Deep clean your home regularly
  • Freshen your house's indoor air with essential oils like peppermint, lemon, cedarwood, tea tree, etc.
  • Fix leaks and drips from pipes or fixtures
  • Remove trash from the house every day
  • Endnote

    Keep your home healthy and clean by following the tips shared above and control or prevent spiders in your house. Additionally, don't hesitate to hire pest control experts in Australia when the infestation is significant, and you lack the expertise, experience and equipment to manage it yourself. Let professionals get rid of the spiders without stressing yourself or your family.

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