How To Identify Termite & Control Them

termite control professional doing the job

How To Identify Termite & Control Them

Termites are one of the most destructive pests that can damage not only your costly wooden furniture but also the foundation of your house. Therefore, you need to be very careful about their infestation at your home.

According to Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), around 32 percent of Australian households deal with termites issues every year. Not many people are aware of the fact that there are more than 300 species of termites in Australia, but only around 20 species cause problems.

The main reason why owners find it difficult to deal with termites is they cannot be detected until they set up large colonies. The most effective way to make sure that your home is free from termites is by hiring a company that offers the best pest control in Australia.

You also need to be proactive about preventing the damage caused by termites. To do that, you need to thoroughly inspect your home professionally and take care of few more things. This attentiveness will protect you from the stress of repairing new termite damage in the home.

Read on to know more about how to identify termites and control them.

How to Identify Termites?

If you want to keep the termites away from home, then the first thing you need to do is to identify them. The following are some excellent ways to find out whether there are termites in your home or not.

Damage to Wood Flooring

Many people notice damage in the wood flooring but often assume that it could because of pipe water damage, fungus problem and other similar issues.

However, it can be a sign of termite infestation. The subterranean termites often cause damage under the flooring, which make the wood surface look damaged. If you notice such a thing, react immediately and look for other signs.

Hollow Sounding Timber

Termites generally consume timber from the inside out, which leaves a thin layer of wood or only the paint. If you tap or knock on an area that has been damaged because of termites, it will sound papery or hollow.

It is because the inner part of the timber has been eaten away. To keep your home safe, hire professionals but make sure that you are choosing the best pest control service.

Mud Tubes

If you found pencil-sized mud tubes near your house, in your lawn, backyard, and other similar spots, then it is a sign of termite infestation.

Subterranean termite lives underground and builds a tunnel up to their food source. This pest requires certain humidity levels and temperature and to survive, and the tunnels provide that. It blocks out the dry air and makes the environment sustainable.

Termite Droppings

While digging and eating the timber, drywood termites create galleries, which they like to keep clean. In order to do that, the pests create kick out holes where they get rid of their droppings.

The drywood termites eat wood, so their drooping also resembles sawdust or coffee grounds. To get rid of the termites, hire experts who offer professional pest control in Australia.

Discarded Wings

It is also an important sign of termite infestation. Discarded wings of termite can be found near closed doors, windows, and other home-access points. It happens when termites move out of their nest to find a new place start a new colony.

How to Control Termite?

Controlling the infestation of termites can be difficult but not impossible. Although they are numerous ways to deal with termites, the best way is to hire professionals that offer reliable pest control in Australia.

Hire Professionals

The best way to deal with termites in-home and control them is by hiring professionals who provide efficient and affordable pest control services.

They have in-depth knowledge about all pests, so they know the most effective way to get rid of them. Also, they use advanced equipment and products that make the task more effective and easier to carry out. To hire a reputed pest control company in Australia, research properly and read the online reviews.

Other Tips to Control Termites

Apart from hiring seasoned professionals, you can also do the following things.

  • Reduce the openings that can allow the termite easy access to your house.
  • Fix all the water leakages in your bathroom, kitchen or even lawn immediately.
  • Make sure you do not plant trees and shrubs too close to your house.
  • Do not store or pile firewood and debris next to the house.
  • Inspect your house properly from time to time.

The Bottom Line

Inspecting your entire home to find termites and eliminating them can be a challenging task. However, you can carry out the task perfectly by hiring a company that offers reliable pest control services in Australia.

They provide complete solutions and get rid of all types of pests, including subterranean termite – the most destructive species. Follow the aforementioned ways to identify the termites in your home and control them.

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